Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump
The story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life. Through three turbulent decades, Forrest Gump rides a tide of events that whisks him from physical disability to football stardom,…


Set in San Francisco, James Stewart portrays an acrophobic detective hired to trail a friend’s suicidal wife. After he successfully rescues her from a leap into the bay, he finds…

Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!

Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!
Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! is a one-off special featuring some of the most famous films in cinematic history along with a plethora of Hollywood A-Listers, Screenwriters, Academics and Critics…

The Exorcist (Director’s Cut)

The Exorcist (Director’s Cut)
Belief in evil. Belief that evil can be cast out. From these two strands of faith, author William Peter Blatty and director William Friedkin wove The Exorcist, the frightening and…

Vertigo turns 60

Vertigo turns 60
This year sees a lot of classic films hitting major milestones. Grease has turned 40, 2001: A Space Odyssey turns 50 and one of Alfred Hitchcock's best, Vertigo, turns 60. Vertigo has been restored from the original VistaVision negative to…